Summer Skincare Tips — Medico IQ

Medico IQ
5 min readApr 26, 2021


Hello Readers, in this Article we provide Summer Skincare Tips.

Now summer has come back means the warmer temperature has started and too much sun is bad for the skin, so now it’s time to change your skincare routine. During the summer spending more time outdoor means that your skin exposed to more harmful UV rays.

In this season, the sun commonly worst damaged the skin because the UV rays are increased in summer.UV rays caused sunburn, a dark spot that gives a bad look to the skin.

In the summer season, the sun damages the skin in many ways such as Dryness, Itching, Peeling, Sunburn, Acne, etc.

In this season we feel drier because of frequently wash faces or frequently taking a bath. and these seasons our skin wants more care due to the excess more sweat which is causing dryness because.

Your face is your confidant and your identity in the world so you should look awesome in 365 days. In the summer season, your skin is wanted special care. Now let’s know about your skincare tips. how to care for your skin in the summer season.

  • Hydrate your face and keep it clean.
  • Splash water in your face 3–4 times a day.
  • Wash your face with normal water and a mild soap or suitable facewash, twice a day.
  • No need to wash your face every time, Only splash water 3 to more than 4 times.
  • Free your face from dust and sweat through this hot summer.
  • Scrub your face once or twice a week, choose those scrubs which one suits your face.

Drink Purified Water

Skin is the largest organ of our body so they need to be hydrated all time. and in the summer season, they required more water. so you should know the summer skincare tips. let’s see below

  • Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water in a day. Always try to drink filtered water.
  • Please avoid tap water because it contains more amount of chlorine, florin, and other harmful chemicals which is bad for our skin.
  • Water is more important for our skin because it helps to remove toxins from your body.

so you make sure you can intake sufficient water in your body.

Fruits are healthy for all people and I think all people know about the power of fruits. use some fruits like orange, papaya, mango, lemon, and banana in the summer season. All fruits play a different role in caring for your skin. now I will share the benefits of all these fruits. Which is help to improve your summer skincare tips

  • ORANGE-Orange is rich in vitamin C which helps to improve your skin texture and gives you glowing skin.
  • PAPAYA-Papaya is a rich antioxidant, Minerals, fibers, and vitamin C, which is a help to moisturize your skin and remove the tan.
  • MANGO-Mango rich vitamin-A and antioxidant which is regenerate dead cells and fights again skin aging.
  • LEMON-Lemon contains vitamin C which keeps your skin beautiful and smooth.
  • BANANA-Banana contains vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin B. mashed banana facial can do wonders for your skin.

Take Care Your Feet

Commonly people forget to care for their own feet, only focus to care on their skin and faces, why because people first see their face .so don’t forget to care for your feet. because it’s a part of your summer skincare tips.

Before outdoor cover, your feet and wear shoes, if you are unable to wear shoes so use sunscreen on your feet. give exfoliating your feet skin daily in summer.

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Use Sunscreen

Sun is good for our body but more sunlight is damaged our body because the sun releases UV rays which are worst for the human skin. Morning sunlight is superb for our skin. Sunscreen is most important to use in the summer season because in hot weather the UV ray increased and affect the skin.

UV rays can be harmful to your skin. Use any sunscreen lotion and gel into your body and get absorbed, Minimum 15 SPF sunscreen we recommended and it’s applied 10–30 minutes before you head out into the sun.

by the way, stay out of the sun is the best protection from the sun but if you are going outside, so sunscreen is your second best option to protect your skin from the sun.

Overall hygiene maintaining is most important because in this season sweating extends too much which can cause many diseases in our body such as herpes, itching, pimples, etc.

so to avoid this you have to take a bath twice a day. Use only clean cloth and don’t use old wearing cloth without washing.

Special care to Your Eyes and Lips

Generally, people forget to care for their lips and eyes while we know that it’s very sensitive parts of our body. before outdoors, you make sure your eyes protected with sunglasses and your lips covered with sun protection lip balm.

Your lips one of the most common places to causes sunburn If too much sun heats making your eyes burn, then you wash your eyes with cold & clean water. Potato juice also will give you too much soothing for your eyes.


So here I conclude that to avoid coming in contact with direct sunlight and drink much and more water in a day (8–10), and always splash more and more water on your face. and also take beneficial fruits as a requirement of your summer skincare tips. Keep scrubbing your skin daily in the season.

And don’t forget to care for your eyes, lips, and feet. and also keep hyphenation in priority in your daily life. Safe yourself through dengue fever.

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Medico IQ
Medico IQ

Written by Medico IQ


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